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will this be on steam soon? 

Can anyone tell me what rooms the secret keys are in? I dont need exact locations, just the room name or a general indicator (boss fights for example)


Sure, the keys are only in non boss levels, excluding the level with the pentagram. The first one is found after opening the metal door that says locked in the first level, the lever for it is behind the pillar in front of it. The second one is a bit tricky but after you pull the levers for the doors, at the one labeled C across from it is a hidden door which has the key in it. In the third level it's behind a hidden wall next to one of the four pillars in the corners of the room, the fourth is in the room where you have to pull a bunch of levers to open up a gate to the teleporter, after you pull the last one to open the gate to the teleporter, it should spawn where the lever is to the right of the teleporter. The last one is at the end of the level where you choose the boss, you have to find the lever labeled C and once you open the gate it should be right behind it. Hope this was useful.

thank you, the only one I hadn't found on my own is the second one and I was never going to figure that out


does this game have any male characters you can fatten

All bosses are female, but a few enemies are male

i bought and downloaded it but its saying pck file is missing not sure what to do

Make sure to extract the zip file. In the past this error has come up when people just try to run the .exe without extracting first. Let me know if that changes anything.

it works thank you


You can post a demo version of this game, otherwise I want to know what I'm buying


will there ever be a steam release

Love the game but I'm having problems with some of the sprites being invisible I don't know if it my laptop or my graphics card.

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Where's Polly?


I love the sprites, though i do miss their old designs. If you ever make a game for these girls again, do you think you could include the option to switch between the two styles of sprites


Can we get a release on Steam?


How do you mod sprites for this game?

I really want to be able to edit or make my own sprites to mod this game but I am actually unable to


How many levels are in the game?


idk if its a part of the game or not but reaching the point where i pick between two bosses, i picked kathy then just got stuck at no armor no health and would always get one tapped, idk if its a bug or intentional but its very annoying to deal with


even starting a new save still stuck with no armor no healt


ok so restarting my game worked, if it is a bug then there ya have it, but I love the game and can’t wait to see more!!!


is there a way to see the soundtrack? theres one particular song that goes stupid hard but I cant find any of the songs


Really loved the game!
The enemies are really imaginative - I love the design of the Francubuses!
The weapons are creative, too, though the Batter gun and the Ice Cream gun are more or less the same, while the others are more distinct. Maybe have it function more like a flamethrower (for the sake of irony), and cause "brainfreeze", stunning the enemies?
The levels were fine, and fun to explore, though it cab become easy to get lost in some of the later ones.



The only thing I was missing was a bossfight with Polly as well.
Maybe something similar to Stacy's "bossfight", where you go through a gauntlet of arenas to gather sweets for her, or have her oversee you fight waves of enemies in one arena, gladiator-style, while she sits back and enjoys the show, progressively getting more stuffed with each wave, until the "throne" she sits on collapses underneath her.



The game has a lot of uniqueness and creativity build into it! None of the bosses are alike, and the level design gives many interesting challenges with the different monsters in the game. 


There where a few maps that were a bit too confusing to navigate, and might have needed a few directional signs. 

The score doesn't seem to be shown or used anywhere, and therefore doesn't add that much to the game. The score might be used to call more ammo, buy stuff from vending machines or give some lore about the bakery getting getting income.

Some of the monster when defeated disappears into smoke, and doesn't add to the score. I don't understand why that is, since I've already fattened the monster up.


Really loved Kathy and Jesse's battles. The constant chase of Kathy made me scared like in a horror game, as I could not escape from her, and had to die a few times before understanding what to do. Really thrilling!

Loved the dynamic with Jesse, between chasing her to running away when she transformed.


Hey, I loved SFOAS and heard good things about this game. Since I'm on Mac I wasn't able to open it. I've been trying everything to try and get the game to run but I'm frozen on them ain screen. It isn't a problem with your other Windows games, just this. 

Is there a possibility of a Mac release? If not, I'll just be happy with having helped keep you and your team afloat.


I'm afraid we're just not able to export for Mac and have no plans to do so in the future. However, most people are able to run it on Wine just fine if you wanted to check that out? 

As it stands, .exe files cannot be opened on Mac

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I've tried Play on Mac but that doesn't run 64 bit, and frankly trying to get Wine to work is a hassle. And Parellels Desktop just... doesn't work even after I got the Windows 11 license. Tried to get it to work for the last couple of days and nothing has so I'm a bit frustrated. Still, it's not your fault it's my goddamn computers. As I said I've heard good things so I'm just more angry my comp can't do it no matter what I try.

EDIT: I have managed to get Wine to work. Good shit, will play! Highly recommended.


This was a fun experience, and the guns are pretty cool. Admittedly, though, there's some things I'd like to be changed; mainly the ammo count and the lack of sprint/jump. Spritework's really good tho


Have to say, I really enjoyed this! It has a lot of love put into it as you can tell from the boss fights, the gun ideas, its a real blast! While it isn't my top  favorite of your games (a tie between SFOS & SFRPGE) it certainly is a keeper! Cant lie tho, would like to see a full body pics of the character in the....image gallery! Sorry, cant remember the proper name for it.


there seems to be a soft lock when you use the secret weapon on the final boss. using it doesn't trigger the glass breaking that lets you progress to the next stage.


someone else pointed this out! I'm looking into it. There will be a bug patch soonish